Crochet Blanket Sizes
When I first started to crochet, I would start out making a blanket and about halfway through, I would look at it and wonder, “Is it too big?” or “Should I make this larger?” Well, as I kept crocheting and learning, I realized that I wasn’t the only person asking that question. So, I researched and I measured and I looked at what worked and what didn’t work. Ultimately, I came up with this chart of sizes to help me remember what dimensions I needed for each blanket I made. These are by no means set in stone. They are a guideline to help you decide which size you need to make. Perhaps you have exceptionally tall children or maybe grandpa isn’t quite as svelte as he used to be. In cases like those, feel free to fudge a little in either direction. Just as no two people are exactly the same, so are no two blankets exactly the same. But bear in mind when making things like lapghans for wheelchairs that you do not want it so wide or so long that it interferes with the wheels in any way. Also take into account that mattress sizes are very much static and that you don’t have too much room to fudge if you want the afghan to work on that particular size bed.
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